With the breakneck pace of the American lifestyle, finding time for things like fitness and family takes a great deal of intentionality. But what if those two could be combined — if fitness could be something that family members and friends could enjoy together, outdoors in places like parks and trails?
The future of outdoor fitness
A far cry from the simple pull-up bars found along paths in years past, outdoor fitness equipment has evolved into the 21st century and now offers innovative features like weatherproof adjustable-resistance mechanisms. Accommodating widely-varying ability levels, these fresh-air gyms have become valuable community amenities. They are spaces where hardcore fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, teenagers, parents and even those in wheelchairs can exercise side by side.
Enhancing quality of lives
Across the United States, more and more communities are becoming aware of the benefits —not only physical but also emotional — that these outdoor workouts afford. With 24/7 access and no membership fee required, outdoor gyms are breaking down the barriers to fitness and helping family members both enjoy quality time together and enhance their quality of life.