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Home Safety and Security

A Sweet Home is a Safe Home for Everyone

Safeguarding for potential poison exposures in the home is not only for children. Each year, approximately 90% of poisonings happen in American households. The more clinically serious cases occur among teens, adults and older adults. 

To prevent poisonings, look for potential poisons in each room of your home. Poisonings do not only happen by swallowing something but can also happen through the eyes, skin, and lungs. Take precautions by practicing safe use habits. Make a habit of reading and following label instructions prior to using all household, personal care, and medicine products. Safe use habits also include following directions for safe storage and disposal. 

Potential exposure sources by room may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Family room
    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Tobacco and e-cigarette products, especially liquid nicotine
    • Plants 
    • Batteries
  • Kitchen
    • Medicine and Vitamins
    • Cleaning supplies (hand sanitizer, furniture polish, dishwashing detergent, cleaning wipes)
    • Spoiled food
  • Bathroom
    • Medicine and Vitamins
    • Hygiene products (soap, toothpaste, mouth wash)
    • Hair and cosmetic products
    • Lotions and creams
    • Bathroom cleaning products
    • Rubbing alcohol 
  • Bedroom
    • Medicine and Vitamins
    • Cosmetics including perfume
    • Jewelry cleaner
  • Throughout the household
    • Carbon monoxide
    • Lamp oil & kerosene
    • Pest control products (rodent bait, bug spray)

Effective poisoning prevention is being prepared in the event that the unthinkable happens. Keep the Poison Help line number (1-800-222-1222) near every phone and program the number into every cell phone. You can also text “POISON” to 797979 to save the contact number into your cell phone.  If you have questions or suspect a poisoning, immediately call the Poison Help line at 1-800- 222-1222. Poison Help is available 24/7/365 to provide free, expert, confidential help. 

All questions about poisonings are smart questions—ask the question, it could save a life.

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