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Brittany Matthews Shares Her Summer Tips for Dog Owners

The first step to prioritizing your dogs’ health is making sure they’re eating right, according to Brittany Matthews, personal trainer and dog mom to Silver and Sterling Mahomes

“We feed Steel and Silver healthy, nutrient-dense food and make sure they get plenty of exercise,” she says. “It may be a little more expensive, but investing in quality food for our pups has made a huge difference in their wellbeing. “

With summer right around the corner, getting enough exercise is  easier considering all of the excursions you can take your dogs on. Matthews loves letting her dogs spend as much time outside as possible, but she cautions dog owners to make sure their furry companions have enough water and don’t get overheated. 

Despite best intentions, unexpected problems may arise. One way to ensure their safety is having pet insurance, says Matthews. 

“Whether it’s an emergency or a regular check-up, having pet insurance relieves the financial unknowns and stress of going into vet appointments,” she says. 

The Matthews-Mahomes family uses Companion Protect pet insurance for Steel and Silver. “What we love in particular about Companion Protect is that they do not discriminate against breed,” she says. “That was really important to us when choosing a pet insurance company.” 

Summer also means even more dog hair than usual. For that, Matthews turns to her Roomba. “Also, make sure you clean their paws and dry them off before each time they come into the house,” she recommends. 

Steel and Silver are a pitbull and a cane corso respectively, and unfortunately, both breeds have had to overcome unjustified stigmas. But Matthews happily reports that the pair are perfect family dogs, and have even come to love the family’s newest member, baby Sterling. 

“They love the baby girl and never leave her side,” Matthews says. “[The dogs] still feel included and now have an extra job to protect her. Every time we go on walks with the stroller, we take the dogs with us, too.”

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