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How You Can Reign Supreme as Neighborhood Grill Master This Football Season

Photo: Courtesy of Andrik Langfield

Vic Clevenger

Founder, Chimney Cartel; Board Member, National Barbecue and Grilling Association (NBBQA)

You’ve been preparing for this all summer, even if you didn’t realize it. Memorial Day burgers set you up to be the new neighborhood grill master since “Bob” retired to Florida over the winter. 

Fourth of July you break out the good hotdogs, all beef of course, for the new grill you got for Father’s Day and you begin thinking you should be on one of those grilling shows you’ve seen on the Food Network. Until your wife reminds you of the steak fiasco a couple weeks ago. 

But Labor Day weekend is here and you’re ready for football season. Here are a few grilling tips to help you continue your reign as the neighborhood grill master. 

Scroll to the bottom of the article for a chance to win a Putterball game set to enjoy with your family and friends this football season.

Quality products

It took several years before I could convince my wife to stop looking at the price tag and begin looking at the meat we were purchasing. She still looks at prices, but now also focuses now on the quality of the product, knowing it makes a difference in the end.

Gently season

Seasoning is key to just about any item on the grill, even hotdogs (split them and be imaginative). The mistake is made when a heavy hand is used when seasoning, masking the natural flavors of the cut of meat you’re preparing. Use a light seasoning to enhance those natural flavors then watch your guests ask for thirds. 

Don’t underestimate sides

Watching the summer grilling commercials, you’d think meat is king and for most it is, but the side dishes make for a great royal court when grilled. Quarter some cabbage and smoke it, then chop it for your coleslaw. There’s a big argument about putting pineapple on pizza, but put them on the grill and you won’t hear a single complaint. 

Timing is key

If your grill is at around 550-600 degrees, then you can cook your one-inch thin ribeye for about 3 minutes each side for a beautiful medium doneness. However, there’s a saying in the grilling world: “You cook to temperature, not time.” This means there are factors at play when cooking outdoors that will throw your timing out the window. Timing is still the key to making sure your tailgating meal, including sides, all comes together when the party starts.

With the summer grilling you’ve done, along with these few tips, your guests won’t just be cheering their favorite team, they’ll be singing the praises of the neighborhood grill master — you.

Enter below for the chance to be one of five winners of a Putterball game set to enjoy with your family and friends this football season.

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