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Winter and Disaster Prep

It’s Hip to Be Fit: Three Exercises to Strengthen Your Hip Flexors

A lot of people have tight hip flexors and don’t even know it. When you have tight hips, it usually shows up in other parts of the body, most commonly as lower back or knee pain.

These exercises are effective and don’t require a lot of space or equipment. Add them into your workout routine or do them in front of the fire while watching a movie.

1. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Keeping your back straight, slowly bend forward while raising one leg back behind you. Lower your torso and lift your leg until both are parallel with the floor. Pause and then slowly return to the starting position.

2. Straight Leg Raises

Lie flat on the ground with both knees bent. Straighten one leg up into the air. Engage your glutes and your core to raise your hips, lifting your butt off the ground and your straightened leg higher into the air. Pause at your highest point, then slowly return to the starting position.

3. High Knees

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lift one knee to your chest, then switch to the other knee. Continue this movement, alternating knees at a steady pace.

You can increase the intensity by adding resistance to these moves with dumbbells or any household item with some weight to it, like detergent or a gallon of water. If you own a pair of AGOGIE resistance band pants, throw those on to really zero in on those hip flexors.

Let’s make this your hippest winter yet!

This article has been paid for by AGOGIE.

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